Distance from San José

Approximately 62.4kms/39miles from San José (around a 1 ½ hour drive).

Great for:

Nature Lovers, Adventure Lovers, Bothany Fans, Archeology Fans, Volcano Fans.

Turrialba town is full of rural charm, surrounded by fertile lands and incredible natural vistas. Agriculture is the main economic activity of the area, meaning visitors will see a great number of cattle ranches, milk processing plants, and great swathes of coffee, sugar cane, and Macadamia nut plantations. It is only in this place where the famous ‘Turrialba’ cheese is allowed to be produced.

One of the main natural attractions of the region is the impressive Turrialba Volcano and its surrounding natural park (located only 15kms/9.3miles northwest of town). This volcano, whose last major eruption occurred in 2014 with an ash rain that got to the Central Valley is one of the most active in Costa Rica right now.

Another attraction of the region is Guayabo National Monument, an archaeological excavation of an aboriginal village, segments of which date back to over three thousand years. It is the largest and most important archaeological site in Costa Rica. Conserved archaeological structures such as causeways, mounds, bridges, aqueduct tanks, and others can be found at the site. It also protects high evergreen forest patches, typical of mountainous rainforests.

Turrialba is also famous for its white water rafting and is the basecamp of a series of white water tour operators.

Sunny Season: From May to November

Rainy Season: From December to May.

Average Temperature: 65-85°F (20°-30° C) There are several different micro-climates in a very small area.

Hotels in Turrialba

Tours in Turrialba